Become a Pet Sitter with Digs for Dogs

Could you look after a dog in your own home?

Have you always wanted to own for a dog but can’t have the full time commitment? Maybe you previously had a dog and miss the companionship? Digs for Dogs gives you the opportunity to not only become a dog sitter but also do it your convenience and make some lifelong poochy pals along the way.

Being a pet sitter brings all the benefits of having a dog at home but without the full-time responsibility of owning one yourself.


Become a Home boarder

The Digs for Dogs pet sitting service provides our pooches and their owners with the perfect alternative to kennels while their owners are away on holiday or business.

We meet with all our dog sitters to discuss your previous experience with pets and to establish the types of dogs you would be happy to board.

You will be required to walk, feed and provide care for your guest as specified by their owners. Dog food, beds, leads and any other essentials will be provided at the beginning of their stay.

Digs for Dogs only provide boarding for well behaved, non-aggressive and house trained pooches. We are fully licensed and insured for your peace of mind.

Are you a good match?

Digs for Dogs only select dog-loving people who can offer the care and companionship that our dogs love. We’re looking for real dog people that want to look after dogs in their own home, you must have a secure house and garden and be prepared to take your dog for a walk in all weathers.

First, we pop round to hear all about your experience with dogs and what kind of dogs you would want to look after. All our customers are non-aggressive and toilet trained and we work hard to only match you with the dogs that you would be comfortable with. We take care of all the enquiries, the transportation and supply everything the dog needs for their stay. So our sitters only have to focus on the best bit… the dogs!

Many of our dog sitters have been with us for a many years and provide fantastic care for our customers. Often they will have the same guests return year after year for their holidays.

Are you a good match?
Picture from Digs for Dogs is the perfect solution

Digs for Dogs is the perfect solution

Our family are all huge dog lovers but our lifestyle has always prevented us from getting a dog for ourselves. Becoming a Digs for Dogs home boarder was the perfect solution, it has given us all the love, companionship and exercise that comes with owning a dog but without the full-time responsibility.

Jane, Ainsworth