So, how does it all work?

When making an enquiry for dog walking or home boarding with Digs for Dogs we will initially book an appointment to visit you and take a detailed profile of your dog or dogs including any foibles or unusual habits they may have.

For home boarding we will then register and arrange a sleepover with a home boarder who we believe will be suitable based on the information you have given on our comprehensive pet schedule. The sleepover is to benefit all of us, you, your dog and the home boarder before you go away. Peace of mind knowing that your dog has settled will enable you to enjoy your holiday whilst your best friend enjoys their holiday too.

We will take a deposit payment and then arrange to pick up your dog on the date of your departure and transport them in an air conditioned dog friendly, fully insured vehicle to their home boarder. From experience we have found that if your dog is leaving mum and dad at home they settle so much more with their home boarder than they would if you were dropping them off. When they come home to mum and dad after their holiday they think you have always been there.

You will need to pack a suitcase with all their usual belongings – lead, bedding, bowls, toys, treats – and you will also need to provide sufficient food for the duration of their stay. Your dog will also need to be up-to-date with their vaccinations, worming and flea treatments.

We will keep in regular contact with you and with your home boarder whilst your dog is under their care to let you know what your dog is up to on their holidays and and we are always on hand in case of any emergencies.  Owners have sometimes found that their dogs have had a better time than themselves!!

Head Office : 01204 895355
To make an enquiry please send your details to [email protected] or

Alternatively, fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.