Pampered Pooches – Because They’re Worth It!

Pampered Pooches – Because They’re Worth It!

grooming spa collage

Does your Hound have horrendous hair days? Does your Cockerpoo’s curly coat get tangled? Do you despair over your Frenchie’s fur?
Sounds like you need to get down to the Digs for Dogs Grooming Spa! 
Natalie and Becca are both fully qualified City and Guilds groomers and will use the most up to date grooming techniques along with a fabulous range of bath and body treatments to pamper your pooches. They offer luxury grooms, baths & brush ups, “pawdicures” and even special sessions for your little puppies who may be a bit timid.
The Grooming Spa is based in Tottington Village in Bury and is going from strength to strength with loads of loyal customers returning time and time again for their cut and blow! The Best in the North West…according to our customers!

Call 01204 711700 to book!!


Next: Happy 1st Birthday, Betsy!