We put our trust in Digs for Dogs and have no regrets

We have just come back from our first holiday in over ten years as we had bad experiences with kennels and didn’t want to leave our dog, Bailey. We saw an advert for Digs for Dogs, got in touch and had a lovely visit from Susan, who owns the Home-Boarding Franchise in Altrincham. She showed us her portfolio and took many notes about Bailey, his likes and dislikes etc. so she could find him the perfect match with his home-boarding family. We were extremely impressed with Susan’s kind, warm and professional service and decided to go for it. We put our trust in Digs for Dogs to care for Bailey whilst we were away and we have absolutely no regrets. We received photos and messages about Bailey’s holiday the whole time we were away, which reassured us and helped us relax. We can honestly say Bailey had a wonderful time – he came back very happy and that’s all we could wish for. Would use the Digs for Dogs home-boarding service in Altrincham again with no concerns and recommed to anybody. Thank you!

Next: 100% recommendation for Digs for Dogs home-boarding!