I have admit it – I just LOVE Christmas. The excitement in the air, the socialising and of course …the amazing array of food!
But despite that – it also has to be the most hectic, stressful and overall exhausting two weeks of the year.
When I was working in the corporate world and had a young family it was almost impossible. Let’s face it – if you have primary aged children you may as well just move in to school for December. There’s Christmas concerts, the nativity, the carol service, Christmas parties, Christmas Fair (don’t forget your raffle tickets) and the all-important panto.
I’d spend most of December either at school events feeling stressed about the work that was piling up – or at work, wracked with guilt that I was missing another school show.
My work-life also ramped up in December. Far from the myth of things slowing down, I would get caught in a frenzy of trying to tie up loose ends before the Christmas break. It seems that I was not alone. Research from AXA PPP healthcare shows that 69% of employees say their workload increases in the run up to Christmas by around 30%. A third said that they start their Christmas holidays feeling burnt out and stressed by this extra pressure and a quarter say they feel unwell over the festive period.
I eventually realised that what it really comes down to is the balance. The fine art of juggling your career and your home life at this time of year may seem like mission impossible – but it doesn’t have to be that way, as I learnt when I started Digs for Dogs.
There are many, many things that our franchisees love about running their own Digs for Dogs business. But what comes out top every time is the flexibility. They are their own boss – and they work accordingly. If they want, they can do their accounts at 8pm as a one off – so they can be there, on the front row, watching their little superstars performing – and that’s what it’s really all about.
So if you are feeling the strain this week and would love to have a more relaxed Christmas 2019, why not consider setting up your own Digs for Dogs franchise? Visit our website for more information. https://www.digsfordogs.uk.com/petservices-partnership-opportunity/