Merry Christmas from Emma!

Well, it’s my first Christmas with Digs for Dogs, and I would firstly like to thank all my customers and home boarders for supporting me every step of the way in my new venture! After my wonderful experience as a home boarder myself with Digs for Dogs, it was a huge leap of faith for me to actually take the reins and operate the business myself, but I have had not one moment of regret and have loved every minute of it.
There have been so many highlights this year. Meeting so many new people and dogs, of course. I have heard so many stories, some funny, some sad, and had some excellent holiday tips, a real perk of the job. Since February I have helped 52 new customers find loving holiday homes for their dogs and have had the utter privilege of meeting and getting to know the biggest variety of gorgeous pooches – 63 in total. Every dog has been special and found its own special place in my heart which is exactly why I embarked on this adventure in the first place. Who gets to personally meet 63 new dogs in less than a year and call it work?! Along the way I have made some special friendships with my Home Boarders who have been amazing in offering their support and being patient with me. All of my home boarders are truly special people who give their home and their lives up to the visiting dogs, and give them the best care possible. They are truly special people who, without their dedication and love, none of this would have been possible – so a huge thank you to them.
In the last few months, there has been so much fun and excitement. I have loved meeting new people, sharing the odd cup of coffee (oh yes, I will never say no to a cup of coffee – hint hint), and also peoples stories and glimpses into their lives. I love dogs, and I also love people, so I clearly have the best job in the world!! I think the highlight of the year for me was the Digs for Dogs 3rd birthday party. What an honour to be part of such a big team of dog mad people. To be a part of this celebration in which we celebrated the success of the business and were introduced to the brand new and ever growing team of franchisees. It was so funny to share our fun and crazy dog stories and also have our very own ‘doggy awards ceremony’. It demonstrated to me what a supportive and fabulous team the Digs for Dogs team is and how proud I am to be a part of it.
I hope to see you all as I continue on my journey to ensure Happy Holiday Homes for Dogs, every time! Here’s to another amazing year with Digs for Dogs…Merry Christmas!!
Next: A big Hello to Helen!