🧳️Four essentials to pack for your dog’s Digs for Dogs holiday!

No matter whether you’re flying across the world or planning a holiday a little closer to home, these trips are the perfect time to create new memories that will last a lifetime, and the same can be said for your pup! But before you hit the road or take to the skies, there are a …

Could Digs for Dogs Be The Answer?

If you’ve recently been thinking that it’s time for a change, to finally do something for yourself, and perhaps leap into self-employment – Digs for Dogs could have the perfect solution for you, AND give you the chance to work with dogs everyday!  The demand for pet services is at an all time high in the …

Woof! For Your Wellbeing

10th May 2021 is the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week – and as a matter close to our hearts here at Digs for Dogs, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to celebrate our four-legged friends, who for many of us have been the ones to keep us going this past year. “Our …

What Exactly Is Kennel Stress?

Have you heard of Kennel Stress? “Kennel stress is a generic term used for when dogs encounter a state of mental or emotional strain and tension during or after a kennel stay. It can manifest in a number of ways including aggression, fear, anxiety, shaking, whining, or other noticeable changes in behavior.” Putting your dog …

Is Your Dog Travelling Safely?

The safety of your dogs is our top priority at Digs for Dogs, and we always ensure we provide safe transit (as well as lots of fun) for all our pups! “As per the Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 1997, dogs should not be transported in a way that could cause injury or unnecessary suffering” …

Puppies of the Pandemic

Pets. The unsung heroes of quarantine! Were you one of those seeking some company from man’s best friend for the lockdown? Well, you were not alone! As well as benefiting an animal, having a pet around can help with people’s mental health – especially if they are on their own, and it seems that in …

A Digs for Dogs Tail…

The Story of Susan & Bella… We wanted to share this lovely, little story with you all during this time of uncertainty to hopefully bring a smile to your face, but also to show some appreciation to our wonderful hosts! Digs for Dogs home boarding families across the North West were so looking forward to …

Find Your Paw-fect Match!

Finding the perfect pet breed for your lifestyle is just as im-paw-tant as finding the right partner or even choosing the right friends – if only there was a tool for that! Although, perhaps a little Facebook stalking of somebody is kind of the same as doing your research to ensure you pick the right …

Ideas to Keep the Winter Blues at Bay

It’s been a long, cold winter already and with January feeling as though it lasted 131 days, I think we’re all feeling the winter blues a little. It’s important we make sure that our canine family are happy and healthy, both physically and mentally during the cold season as they play a big part in …

Dog in a field covered in snow

5 reasons caring for a dog is good for your health

1)More Exercise Studies show that dog-owners are significantly more likely to get their 30 minutes of recommended daily exercise than those who don’t care for a dog. Dogs need daily walks and play sessions and for some breeds this can be as much as 3 hours a day! But, if caring for a lively Border …

5 reasons caring for a dog is good for your health
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